Samsung May be Developing a 12-inch Tablet

Samsung is one of the big players in the tablet market and it will soon release something big. The company could be preparing itself for the release of a tablet with 12-inch display. In anyone’s book, this should be considered as a whopper. Knowing its penchant for releasing new devices with so many hardware configurations, the report shouldn’t surprise us. The tablet could be available as early as October and the biggest tablet Samsung has at the moment is a model with 11.6-inch display.
Samsung won’t be the only one with a plan for larger tablets, it was also reported previously that Apple has requested for tablet display component at slightly less than 13-inch in size. So there’s a fair chance that we will be seeing an Apple’s tablet with display bigger than 9.7-inch display in the not too distant future. Despite their huge success in the mobile market, Samsung and Apple will still need to assess their options to make their oversized tablets well-accepted in the competitive market.