Surveys Find That Tablets Really Improve Productivity

Some new consumer products reshape productivity radically and tablets are one of them. These relatively new mobile devices drive productivity through better portability. In essence, tablet, especially those with full-fledged PC operating system, are traditional laptops with much better portability value.
When used properly, tablets can empower employees to be much more productive. It is shown that tablets allow people to access computing devices in unlikely places. While being mobile, laptops actually dominate only at work desks. Hardcore productivity tasks, like managing complex spreadsheets are better on laptops or desktops, but lighters tasks like document editing work well on tablets.
Forrsights Hardware Survey found that about 60 percent of IT decision makers support the use of tablets in office settings. The surveys also found that productivity boosting capability of tablets can be achieved through “device handsoffs”, which allows piece of works to be transferred between multiple devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops/desktops and cloud services.